Fair treatment, dignity and respect on the job When you join Teamsters Local 639 ...You became part of a very large family of working men and women fighting every day to The union contract ... It is a negotiated agreement that governs the terms and conditions under which you work. It covers such rights and benefits as:
The contract is negotiated by your coworkers and Teamster leaders. You have the right to make suggestions about what should be in the contract, and to vote on the final agreement. To win a good contract, however, workers have to show management that they are united in support of their negotiating team. And sometimes, the support from other unions, community groups, public officials and local citizens is needed to persuade the employer to reach a reasonable agreement. Your contractual rights and benefits are guaranteed: Management cannot legally change them without negotiating with the union. Teamsters Local 639 is ready to make a stand with anyone who needs our help in organizing. If you and your fellow employees are ready to improve your family's family's lives with higher wages and benefits, then it's time you called Teamsters Local 639. Contact Organizer DaWayne Epps at (202) 636-8170 Ext. 215 for information on getting started on a better future at work.
Page Last Updated: Oct 19, 2022 (12:27:17)